See and hear Peter Andrews explain
Natural Sequence Farming principles he has used at Baramul,
in the Upper Hunter,
on YouTube…
Peter Andrews talks with Martin Royds about
the implementation of Natural Sequence Farming methods at Baramul
Stud in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, Australia. The
video was filmed entirely on location and was produced by the
Natural Sequence Association members, Martin Royds and Paul
Cockram with the cooperation of Peter Andrews.
Thanks go also to the owners and managers of Baramul Stud.
There are 5 segments totalling almost 20 minutes which
explain many of the principles of NSF. It
has been released on YouTube so that it can inform the debate
as to what Peter’s methods are all about and give answers
to questions many in the broader community have about NSF and
how it can be applied to restore environmentally degraded landscapes.
The 5 segments are:
1. Introduction to NSF at Baramul....Time 2.27 mins
2. Weeds at Baramul...part 1..................Time 4.09 mins
3. Weeds...part 2.......................................Time
4.09 mins
4. De-energising Water flows at Baramul...Time 2.5 mins
5. The building of Rock walls and Leaky weirs at Baramul..................Time
6.25 mins
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For comments about the video and anything to do with
NSF please email
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