Field Days
(Click on Date to see more details)

Field Day and visit by Peter Andrews
(Natural Sequence Farming)

Natural Sequence Farming in conjunction with Tarwyn ParkTraining

Invites you to a Field Day at ‘Tarwyn Park 
The Home of Natural Sequence Farming

Monday 14th April 2014 from 9.30 – 3 pm

“Tarwyn Park”
Upper Bylong Road, BYLONG NSW 2849

COST: $20 per person, collected at the farm gate.
Presented by Peter Andrews (NSF) and Stuart Andrews (TPT)

Light lunch and refreshments provided in the cost of entry.

CONTACT: Duane Norris for further details and information

RSVP by 7th April 2014 by contacting 
Stuart Andrews 0427 112 448 or

Duane Norris     0425 777 454

Peter Andrews’ former property ‘Tarwyn Park’ has been the laboratory of investigation into the unique water and fertility efficiencies found to exist in the Australian landscape. After taking over the severely degraded and eroded salinised farmland, Peter and Stuart Andrews have turned it into one of the world’s leading sustainable model.  ‘Tarwyn Park’ is an aggrading system using only water and a bio-diverse collection of plants.  Come and see how water can work for you even during dry times.


Come and witness the innovative solutions on display at Tarwyn Park to increase productivity and how to overcome many of today’s farming issues including:

  • Declining fertility (low soil Carbon)
  • Dryland salinity
  • Stream, gully and wind erosion
  • Watershed dislocation
  • Lack of biodiversity
  • Lack of farm water availability especially in times of drought
*Please note that ‘Tarwyn Park’ has been sold, so take advantage of this field day.


See information here